Biomass-based alternative for traditional nylon receives funding

Don Horne   


Ottawa today announced an investment of $499,433 to help Competitive Green Technologies research and develop a biomass-based alternative material that could replace traditional nylon in automobile manufacturing and other industries.
“The Government of Canada is proud to support companies like Competitive Green Technologies who use cutting-edge technologies to create innovative environmentally friendly products that will help to green the Canadian economy, while offering new value-added opportunities for farmers,” says Lloyd Longfield, member of parliament for Guelph. “By investing in innovative activities such as these, our Government is demonstrating our commitment to meeting our climate change targets through supporting clean growth in the agriculture sector.”
With technical expertise from the University of Guelph’s Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre (BBDC), the company is developing a new biocomposite material from resin and natural fibres derived from agricultural waste. This new biocomposite material could be used by the automotive industry to produce stronger, more environmentally friendly car parts using more renewable content at a lower cost. The use of agricultural residues to produce this biocomposite material could lead to new economic opportunities for farmers.
“AAFC funding is instrumental in supporting the development of innovative and sustainable bio-based materials,” says professor Mohanty, director BDDC and Premier’s Research Chair in biomaterials & transportation of the University of Guelph. “We are delighted to collaborate with Ontario-based Competitive Green Technologies on this project. Together we are creating greener materials from agricultural wastes and residues to advance bioeconomy in reducing greenhouse gases.”
“We are really happy to have created an impact by working with AAFC on this project – Nano-enhanced, Ag biomass-based hybrid bio-composites for light-weighting automotive,” says Mike Tiessen, president of Competitive Green Technologies. “AAFC funding has resulted in an industry needle-mover. As a farmer and president of Competitive Green Technologies, I am absolutely delighted to see the value-add to agriculture through this innovative technology break-through.”

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