Survey says… We’re Still Standing

Don Horne   

News manufacturing processing survey

Our readers have spoken, and the impact of COVID-19 on business over the past year has been significant – but to paraphrase Elton John: We’re Still Standing.
There are signs the economy is turning around, and that COVID has changed the way in which we work.
Sixty per cent of respondents to our survey say they are now working at their facilities, with only 40 per cent still working from home.
Things are pointing upwards – unfortunately only for about half of you – with 55 per cent being more-busy in the past 10 months, compared to 45 per cent who have reported being less busy.
That is reflective in plans for the future, with less than a third of businesses looking to expand or renovate existing facilities, and half of you stating that business has declined over the past 10 months.
But on the bright side, it can be a glass half full situation, with half of respondents to our survey replying that business hasn’t declined over the same period.
But the economy keeps chugging along, and goods and services are being bought and sold.
Our survey shows that Controls and Instrumentation top the list of planned purchases in the coming year, with Plant Safety running a close third (see chart at bottom).
Pressure and Flow Meter product purchases continue to remain strong, with Environmental and Filtration System services and products counting for a third of those who replied to our survey.
We’re coming out of this pandemic, and companies are moving forward after a very tough year. While we may have changed we do business, process manufacturers are proving to be willing and able to do business in 2021.
And where does IPP/T fit into all of this?
According to our survey, we still matter, with some 95 per cent of respondents looking to us for the latest in news, new products and solutions in the Canadian process manufacturing sector.

What products and/or services will you and/or your company be purchasing in the next 12 months?

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