Americans want Canadian oil, Keystone XL pipeline revived: poll

By Canadian Energy Centre   

Process West Keystone XL oil pipelineNews pw news

On the heels of President Biden’s ban on the import of all Russian oil and gas products, a new poll shows that 71 per cent of Americans think Biden should reverse his decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline, while 64 per cent believe Canadian production should replace Russian oil.  

The U.S. bought 640,000 barrels per day on average of oil and petroleum products from Russia between July and December, according to the latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.   

The Keystone XL pipeline would have had capacity to ship 830,000 barrels per day from Western Canada to the U.S. refineries, starting in 2023.  

Instead of looking to America’s largest trading partner, Canada, to increase oil exports, the White House is turning to regimes like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela.   

Maintaining a secure and reliable supply of energy products has never been more important.   

US leaders continue to challenge the year-old decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline expansion project, calling for its reinstatement.  

Here’s what they had to say this week:   

Senator John Boozman (AR) tweeted 

Pulling the plug on the Keystone XL Pipeline hurt Americans. It cost 1000s of jobs—many in Arkansas—and a cleaner, faster energy supply. Restarting this project & opening up domestic oil & gas deposits will benefit American consumers & our allies abroad. 

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (WV) tweeted 

Why are West Virginians paying more at the pump? 

– No domestic production on federal lands 

– Cancelation of Keystone XL pipeline 

– Anti-fossil fuel policies 

– Record inflation 

– Pipeline buildout prevention 

Decisions have consequences, @potus, and it’s time to take responsibility.  

Senator Bill Hagerty (TN) tweeted 

Biden should be announcing today that we’re reopening the Keystone XL Pipeline, that we’re going to be drilling on federal lands. We need to become energy independent again now—not driving up prices around the world & fueling Vladimir Putin’s war machine. 

Senator Ron Johnson (WI) tweeted 

When President Biden got into office, he canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, ignored the crisis at the southern border, and pushed for out-of-control government spending that sparked inflation rates we haven’t seen in decades. Democrat policies have weakened America. 

Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA) said 

Under President Biden’s leadership, energy imports from Russia increased by 34%. This administration has not only stalled oil and natural gas exports to our allies, but has blocked further energy transportation infrastructure in the U.S., like the Keystone XL Pipeline, while supporting projects abroad, like Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline. With investments in our own pipeline infrastructure, American refineries could have easy access to Canadian crude oil instead of Russian oil.   


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