Film critical of green energy sector pulled from YouTube

Don Horne   

Process West News pw news

On May 25, Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans, was taken off of YouTube, with the video-streaming channel stating it was because of copyright infringement, after a British photographer argued the film had used some of his footage without his permission.

But the film’s director, Jeff Gibbs, says this infringement did not happen.

It seems that the photographer, Toby Smith, was not at all a fan of the film, calling it “bullshit” in a now deleted tweet.

“Could it be that the copyright claim was just what the angry environmentalists needed to pull this exposee off of YouTube?” as Dan McTeague, president of Canadians for Affordable Energy.

Smith, a nature photographer from the UK, accused Gibbs of using four seconds of Smith’s proprietary footage, thereby violating fair usage. Smith initially pronounced the film was “bullshit” and filled with copyrighted material.

The film (which you can still watch on Vimeo here) demonstrates that green energy is expensive, inefficient, and can’t function without conventional energy from hydrocarbons.

“Those are facts the environmentalists simply cannot tolerate; so they censor them,” adds McTeague.

You can see more on the subject from Dan McTeague in his most recent blog post.


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