Level meter for tank and silo applications

Don Horne   

Process West products pw products

The OPTIFLEkrohne0515X 2200 C/F level meter from Krohne is ideal for tank and silo applications in the chemical industry, as well as in the oil and gas, energy, waste water, mining or pulp and paper sectors. Featuring software-based dynamic parasite rejection (DPR) technology that eliminates false reflections caused by environmental disturbances and product build-up, the 2-wire device is the newest addition to KROHNE’s TDR guided radar level meters. It can replace traditional level meters that require higher maintenance, including displacer, RF capacitance, conductive and pressure level meters. It can handle process temperatures up to 570°F (300°C) and pressures up to 580 psig (40 bar).


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