Portable test pump kit allows fine adjustments

Don Horne   

Process West products pw products

bhd-1016The 700HPPK Pneumatic Test Pump Kit from BHD Instrumentation is a rugged, portable tool that generates and adjusts pneumatic pressures up to 21 MPa (3000 pounds-per-square-inch) without requiring a nitrogen bottle or other external pressure supplies. It’s an ideal solution for generating high pressure in the field to devices under test, such as transmitters, controllers, pilots and analog gauges. It reaches pressure in 20 seconds to full scale into a 30 cm3 volume. A detachable pressure adjustment system and adjustment control knob allows technicians to make fine pressure adjustments to 0.05% of reading or better. Features include collapsible feet, a built-in hand hold and a canvas carrying case making it easy to carry to the field.

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