Trunnion magnet technology delivers quick payback for metals filtering

Mike Edwards   

Features Eriez

Performance metrics collected through studies conducted among installations of Eriez Trunnion Magnets worldwide indicate a six-month to one-year payback when compared to trommel screen installations.

Using magnets to collect ferrous metal from process streams has a long history in the mining industry. This is especially true in the collection and disposal of grinding ball fragments in ball/SAG mill operations. Though often small in size, worn and broken metallic grinding balls can cause serious problems if they are not detected and removed from the milling operation.

Grinding ball fragments in the milling circuit impact two critical areas:

  • In the crushing circuit, where companies have observed damage to crushers, unscheduled downtime and loss of production.
  • In the grinding circuit, where companies have discovered wear to pumps, sumps, piping, hydrocyclones, mill liners, as well as inefficient grinding, power consumption and optimization of overall mill throughput.

Eriez Trunnion Magnets provide a unique system for separating and removing balls, chips or scats in a typical ball/SAG mill operation. This technology replaces the dead weight of ball magnets with fresh ore. By effectively removing an estimated 80 percent or more of worn or broken media, a trunnion magnet reduces power consumption from the mill drive and prevents expensive damage to other equipment. Observations indicate a 250 percent increase in equipment life.

This introduction is part of a white paper provided by Eriez. Read more

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