White paper: IEC 62443 Compliance and Removable Media

Andrew Snook   


Honeywell ICS/OT Cybersecurity has released a white paper focused on IEC 62443 compliance and removable media.

Here is the synopsis:

The ISA/IEC 62443 standards outline the requirements and processes for establishing and maintaining secure industrial automation and control systems (IACS). These standards serve as a benchmark for cybersecurity best practices and provide a means to evaluate security performance. ISA/IEC standards take a holistic approach to cybersecurity, bridging the gap between operations and information technology and between process safety and cybersecurity.

They set the standard for cybersecurity in all industries that rely on IACS, including building automation, power generation and distribution, medical devices, transportation, and process industries such as chemicals, oil, and gas. SMX – Secure Media Exchange – is introduced as a tool to further mitigate external threats by circumventing common IT controls.

To download the white paper, click here.

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