Hearings on detailed route of Trans Mountain to begin

Don Horne   

Process West News pw news

Beginning today, the Commission of the Canada Energy Regulator (Commission) will hold detailed route hearings for landowners along the path of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project.

These hearings are the first since regulatory processes on the project resumed in July of 2019.

Detailed route hearings are required where an objection to the detailed route exists, and allow the Commission to decide on whether the exact location of the pipeline is the best possible, and to confirm the most appropriate methods and timing of construction. Landowners whose lands are proposed to be crossed by the pipeline, as well as Indigenous groups and other persons whose lands may be adversely affected were able to object to the detailed route proposed by Trans Mountain.

The Commission granted detailed route hearings where material changes in circumstances were identified since 2018, or where hearings had been granted but not completed prior to the Court decision stopping the Project in 2018.

The 1,147 km pipeline project, including its approximately 150 metre-wide pipeline corridor, was re‑approved by the Government of Canada in June 2019. Currently, 68 per cent of the pipeline’s detailed route has been approved. Announcements of further detailed route hearings for the pipeline stretching southwest past Kamloops and into B.C.’s Lower Mainland region are expected shortly.

Construction is permitted in areas where applicable conditions have been satisfied and the detailed route of the pipeline has been approved. Pipeline construction is currently underway along Alberta portions, as well as at the Edmonton and Burnaby Terminals, and the Westridge Marine Terminal.


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