Trend Brief: Adapting to the next normal in the pharmaceutical industry

Mike Edwards   

Features data pharmaceuticals

Let’s just say what we’re all thinking: 2020 was rough. It threw every element of our lives into disarray. We suddenly had to become experts at navigating a new way of working, schooling and socializing. It was disruptive and it was challenging, but it was also transformative. And although the past 12 months might have felt like 12 years, it’s time to look forward to what the future holds.

If 2020 was the year of disruption, 2021 will be the year of mastering change.

To survive in a competitive and unrelenting industry, pharmaceutical and biotech companies must continually focus on improvement. But when the pace and magnitude of change renders traditional improvement approaches ineffective, companies must evolve to survive. That’s the crisis facing all organizations throughout the global pharma industry in 2021, and those who implement new operational models and technologies sooner will be far better positioned for adaptability and success.

In the frantic race to research, develop and distribute COVID-19 vaccines, regulators and pharma companies industrywide reached the same conclusion: nothing is more important than up-to-date, accurate data.

To continue reading, download the complete article from MasterControl.

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